Our Story

How one voice can make a big impact – and yours can too

Katie Godden Owner and Founder Pink Diamond Institute
Katie Godden, Owner & Founder of Pink Diamond Institute
One of my favourite sayings is “What you leave behind is not what is engraved into monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” 

Just as we weave ourselves into the lives of others, life weaves its way into us – forming the most incredible tapestry and taking us to all sorts of unexpected, but perfect, places. Often, it’s not until we look back, around twists and turns and over some bumps, that we can see we ended up exactly where we were meant to be.

Such is the case for me and my business. I am where I am today, full of passion and making a positive difference, because of where I once was – a little grassroots girl growing up in country New South Wales with Type 1 Diabetes.

As a child, teenager, and then young woman dealing with my diagnosis, I was subject to some well meaning but disempowering treatment by the practitioners who were supposed to be helping me. At times, the language they used made me feel belittled, judged, and ashamed – as if my condition was somehow my fault. I felt powerless and small, splitting myself into two distinct Katies – the bubbly, bright, high-achieving one I used to mask my trauma and grief, and the highly self-critical, sad one I kept hidden deep inside.

As an adult, I found the strength and self-belief to take control of my health – losing weight and halving my insulin rate. Others saw the massive transformation I’d made in myself and asked me to help them too, so I started a small paleo business. I gave my clients everything I knew and yet they didn’t make the changes required to achieve the same results. I was so confused. “Why can’t I get through to people?” I wondered.

One day, my brother asked me, “Katie, have you heard of NLP?” 

“NL what?” I replied. 

“NLP. Just look into it,” he said. 

I did and soon enough found myself in an NLP training room. Long story short, that experience completely changed my life. Despite all the health changes I’d made, I realised I was still suffering and still carrying around that little girl who felt so unworthy and disempowered. 

I fell in love with NLP because it enabled me to access the real me with compassion and gave me the little keys to unlock language, understand how people think, and work together to create profound change.

In that training, I saw it happen for me – and I could see how I could help it happen for others too. 


The rest, as they say, is history. I went on to learn everything I could about NLP and became a woman on a mission, determined to help people all around the world experience the power of NLP for themselves.

NLP Master Practitioner centres around two key pillars

People heal all sorts of lifelong health conditions.

NLP Master Practitioner centres around two key pillars

My son transform his life from the inside out.

About Us

My father, who could no longer lift a cup of coffee to his lips, take control of his health and recover mobility when he finally found a practitioner who understood his agricultural background and connected with him by speaking his language.

It’s been the most amazing journey of healing and transformation. And I’m just getting started!

Our Mission

From the very beginning, two things have always been true. I love humans and I love to help.

Katie Godden NLP Training for Health, Pink Diamond Institute

While some things have changed since I was diagnosed with T1D 30+ years’ ago, way too much is still exactly the same. As a mum, I worry about my children being spoken to the way I was. In fact, my nephew who also has T1D is still dealing with the same crap today, being spoken to the same way I was all those years ago. It breaks my heart and infuriates me in equal measure.

Our mission at Pink Diamond Institute is to fix this for good by bridging the gap between health practitioners and their clients. 

How? With understanding, empathy, and communication that’s both efficient and effective. 

By leveraging NLP, your clients will finally feel heard, understood, and supported. From that place, they can hear your message the first time, make informed decisions, and shift their thinking and behaviour for life-changing results. Everyone wins – your clients, your practice, and you.

Words of love

Ready to unlock the key to client and practice outcomes like never before?

Katie Godden obligation Call