Our Certifications

NLP Master Practitioner

Next Course starts in:


*Please note that over 60h of pre-study is required before commencing the course for this certification.

Upcoming courses:
27.05.2024 - 04.06.2024


27.05.2024 - 04.06.2024
31.07.2024 - 03.08.2024


31.07.2024 - 03.08.2024

**Your MUST attend BOTH Communication & Transformation
to be a Fully Certified Master Practitioner

Master NLP for health to maximise your message

As a savvy health and wellness practitioner, you understand the basics of NLP and are using them here and there in your practice. 

But you know you could be doing so much more.

Maybe it’s been a while since you completed your NLP training and you want to refresh your knowledge and practical application. Perhaps you want to explore how to apply NLP specifically in a health and wellness context to get better results for your clients and turn them into raving fans. Or maybe you want to maximise your message by learning how to engage a much larger audience. 

You know language is the catalyst for change in health. Let’s take it to the next level!

NLP for Health

What sets our NLP Master Practitioner apart? The fact that it’s tailored specifically for health and wellness practitioners.

Having lived with Type 1 Diabetes for 36 years, our Founder, Katie Godden, understands firsthand the impact of communication in a healthcare context. 

Extremely passionate about the way we speak of, about and with people who suffer with long-term illnesses and conditions, she combined that passion and lived experience with 13 years of Holistic Health Science research and implementation and 17+ years in education and training to purpose-build an NLP Master Practitioner for healthcare professionals.

An NLP Master Practitioner unlike any other

Our NLP Master Practitioner builds on the foundations of NLP you already have, taking your communication skills to the next level for exponentially improved professional and personal effectiveness on a much larger scale.

NLP Master Practitioner centres around two key pillars:

NLP Master Practitioner centres around two key pillars

Profound transformation via high-level interventions, tools, and strategies to guide our clients to their desired outcome.

NLP Master Practitioner centres around two key pillars

Advanced models of linguistic and communication skills (to deeply understand people) and programming you can use as a guidance system to transform the way you interact with the world. 

Over 2 x powerful 6-day training sessions (12 days total), you’ll learn how to explore, expand, and evolve. This includes:

Empowering your clients with new ways of thinking via the deeper programming of human psychology.
Leveraging advanced methodologies to take your communication to the next level.
Creating change in values and unconscious programming to give people greater results.
Leveraging advanced framing techniques to instantly change a client’s thinking. 
Fostering a do-with (not do-to) process, enabling people to get the results they want – whatever that is for them.
Engaging bigger groups to share your message publicly on a much larger scale.

Run online, you can complete the training from wherever you are around the world. So far, we’ve had clients from Australia, Asia, USA, Ireland and more!

Turning intention into action

Most NLP Master Practitioners consist of one-off training – then you’re sent off on your own to implement. 

Spoiler alert? 

Most people walk away with the best of intentions – but end up doing nothing with what they’ve learned. Many practitioners tell us they park it all in the ‘too-hard basket’, with the tools quickly gathering dust in the archives of their minds…

We know NLP is going to transform the way you practice – so, we want you to use it, embed it, and embody it! 

We achieve this by offering you the opportunity to invest in our 12-month Deep Dive Implementation Program. By opting for this program, you’ll have our guidance and support in deeply embedding the tools and knowledge you’ve acquired. This includes fortnightly calls to:

  • Touch base
  • Discuss your progress
  • Answer your questions, and
  • Help you master your technique.
Discover the tools and techniques to enhance your life, achieve your goals, and empower yourself through Neuro-Linguistic Programming. logo

Transformational results

The life-changing outcomes achieved by our clients around the globe speak for themselves. Here’s what some of them say:

Ready to master communication to maximise your message?

Catapult your personal and professional success by taking your communication skills to the next level.

Discover the Power of NLP!

Are you ready to make a profound change in your life and the lives of others? The secret lies in the language we use and how we connect with one another. Dive into the transformative world of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and begin your journey towards true understanding and empowerment.

Download the Free NLP Info Pack today and take the first steps in weaving positive change into your life and the lives of those around you!

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