Got questions?

We’ve answered the NLP FAQs we hear most often below. If yours isn’t covered, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a ground-breaking communication methodology built on the connection between neurological processes (neuro), language (linguistic) and acquired behavioural patterns (programming), integrating and influencing all three to achieve specific goals in life. NLP builds effective communication between conscious and unconscious mental processes, producing fast and lasting results by improving cognitive and behavioural patterns.

Anyone can learn NLP to increase their personal and professional effectiveness by becoming an NLP Practitioner. By understanding and applying NLP tools, you can guide others to harness the tools themselves to empower many aspects of their lives including – you guessed it – their health.

NLP will widen your perspective giving you powerful insights into:

  • The uniqueness of each client
  • The emotional and psychological aspects of their situation
  • The ‘meaning’ of the illness created by the client and how it is represented in their thinking
  • The untapped resources each client brings to the table
  • Conversational change work that creates instant shifts within the client’s thinking

With these newfound insights, you will be better equipped to explore with your clients their needs, resources, and potential for change – enabling you to take a solution-orientated approach to your consultations to achieve awesome results. More on that in the next question!

Great question! As a driven health practitioner, you’re all about impact – and so are we. In fact, that’s why we’re so passionate about our programs. NLP delivers countless transformative benefits both personally and professionally. 

Professionally, it’s all about being able to build rapport fast, get your message through the first time with effective and efficient communication, and empower clients to take action to achieve awesome results. Of course, happy clients mean less churn, more referrals, and a growing practice. Your personal life benefits too with better communication building better relationships. 

For more of a breakdown on the benefits, check out our training programs.

You get three recognised certifications.

For the NLP Practitioner Certification, you get:

  • NLP Practitioner Certification
  • NLP Coaching Certification
  • Time Line Therapy® Certification

For the NLP Master Practitioner, you get the same certifications as above but at MASTER level. 

Time Line Therapy® is a powerful therapeutic process developed by The Tad James Co that evolved from NLP and hypnosis. It allows people to:

  • Let go of negative emotions like anger and sadness
  • Get rid of limiting beliefs like ‘I can’t’ and ‘I’m not worthy’
  • Create the future they want

Our training is always delivered through the lens of health and wellness because that’s our area of expertise and our passion. While most participants are health and wellness practitioners and professionals, we also welcome people from related industries like holistic wellbeing, mindset and performance coaching, etc.

Another great question! One of the common concerns we hear is, “I’m not a coach, does that mean I can’t do NLP?” First up, we need to answer this question with a reframe. If you’re a health and wellness practitioner, you’re probably already coaching in your practice – you just don’t realise it! 

Consider this: do you provide advice, support, and inspiration as part of helping your clients to shift their thinking, implement their treatment plan, and troubleshoot challenges? 

  • Yes? Then you’re already coaching! NLP will enable you to do this on a new and exponentially improved level with effective and efficient communication. 
  • No? Well, you should be – and NLP will provide you with the tools and techniques you need to nail it.  

Our online calendar lists our upcoming training dates. At this stage, all trainings are delivered online – enabling you to participate wherever you are in the world! In future, we are planning to do some live trainings. Please email us to be notified when these dates and locations are released.

Got Questions? Faqs

Got a question we haven’t covered?

Please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!