Our Certifications

NLP Practitioner Certification

Next Course starts in:


*Please note that over 60h of pre-study is required before commencing the course for this certification.

Upcoming courses:
26.010.2023 - 28.10.2023

Reinvigorate TimeLine Therapy

26.010.2023 - 28.10.2023
04.03.2024 - 09.03.2024

NLP Practitioner Certification

04.03.2024 - 09.03.2024
11.11.2024 - 16.11.2024

NLP Practitioner Certification

11.11.2024 - 16.11.2024

Unlock the key to client and practice outcomes like never before

As a passionate Natural Health Practitioner, the language you use to communicate with your patients is incredibly powerful. In fact, language is the catalyst for change in health. 

Use it effectively, and it has the power to build rapport fast, get your message through the first time (without information overload), empower patients to take action, and turn them into raving fans. 

But use it ineffectively and it reinforces the paradigm of illness and victimhood, alienating patients, creating confusion around treatment plans, and leading to disappointing patient outcomes. For your practice, this means more client churn, less referrals, stagnating growth, and a big kick to your confidence.

After starting your practice with so much hope, passion, and excitement to help people on a deep level, maybe it’s just not coming together as you’d imagined. Unfortunately, the skills to serve mean little without exceptional communication skills to match. 

So, how do you bridge the gap between practitioner and client – and in the process take your practice from its current lacklustre state to something beyond your wildest dreams? With the most important puzzle piece you didn’t know was missing – until now!

Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP is a ground-breaking communication methodology built on the connection between neurological processes (neuro), language (linguistic) and acquired behavioural patterns (programming), integrating and influencing all three to achieve specific goals in life. NLP builds effective communication between conscious and unconscious mental processes, producing fast and lasting results by improving cognitive and behavioural patterns. 

Anyone can learn NLP to increase their personal and professional effectiveness by becoming an NLP Practitioner. By understanding and applying NLP tools, you can guide others to harness the tools themselves to empower many aspects of their lives including – you guessed it – their health.

An NLP Practitioner Certification unlike any other

What sets our NLP Practitioner Certification apart? The fact that it’s tailored specifically for health and wellness practitioners.

Our NLP Practitioner Certification provides you with the key foundations of communication and language, transforming you into a powerhouse communicator for exponentially improved professional and personal effectiveness.

Over 6 powerful days, you’ll learn how to:

Run online, you can complete it from wherever you are around the world. So far, we’ve had clients from Australia, Asia, USA, Ireland and more!

Turning intention into action

Most NLP certifications consist of one-off training – then you’re sent off on your own to implement. 

Spoiler alert? 

Most people walk away with the best of intentions – but end up doing nothing with what they’ve learned. Many practitioners tell us they park it all in the ‘too-hard basket’, with the tools quickly gathering dust in the archives of their minds…

We know NLP is going to transform the way you practice – so, we want you to use it, embed it, and embody it! 

We achieve this by sticking around and supporting you to apply what you’ve learned with a 12-month Accelerator Implementation and Integration Program, delivered via fortnightly calls to:

  • Touch base
  • Discuss your progress
  • Answer your questions, and
  • Help you perfect your technique. 

Transformational results

The life-changing outcomes achieved by our clients around the globe speak for themselves. Here’s what some of them say:

Ready to bridge the communication gap once and for all?

Catapult your personal and professional success by supercharging your communication skills.

Discover the Power of NLP!

Are you ready to make a profound change in your life and the lives of others? The secret lies in the language we use and how we connect with one another. Dive into the transformative world of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and begin your journey towards true understanding and empowerment.

Download the Free NLP Info Pack today and take the first steps in weaving positive change into your life and the lives of those around you!

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